Bottle openers can be simple items, there to serve a purpose and nothing more, or they can be classy, humorous or stylish. Here are ten of our favourite bottle openers and corkscrews.
1. Shark bottle opener
This shark bottle opener would be a great gift for someone with a good sense of humour. It has an inbuilt magnet so that you can stick it to the fridge and keep it handy for using.
You simply place the bottle in the shark’s mouth and pull down to open the bottle. The bottle opener costs £9.99 from Shiny Shack.
2. Heart shaped bottle opener wedding favour
Wedding favours appear to be changing. While once they were simply desiglned to look nice, nowadays more thought is being put into making them a useful keepsake.
This heart shaped bottle opener wedding favour is a bottle opener with a heart at each end. It comes in a clear plastic display box, wrapped with a heart design ‘For You’ sleeve and a white organza bow. The favour costs £1.99 from Favour Haven.
3. Animal House corkscrew
Habitat sell this beautiful, blue Animal House corkscrew. The body is blue and the wings are metal and move when the bottle is being opened.
The blue bird themed corkscrew costs £10.
4. Alessi parrot corkscrew
This multicoloured Alessi parrot corkscrew is made of plastic and cast aluminium. The beak opens the bottle and the body is made up of a host of parrot type colours. John Lewis sell it for £34.
5. Castle key bottle opener
Made of brass this castle key bottle opener is heavier than it looks. Its use is not initially obvious and it can sit neatly in a kitchen drawer or hang up on a hook.
The Castle key bottle opener is 16cm long and 4cm wide and is £10 from Anthropologie.

6. Wingspan bird bottle opener
Anthropologie also sells this cute wingspan bird bottle opener which is made of nickel-plated brass.The bird is hand engravedand costs £14.
7. Moustache corkscrew and bottle opener
This moustache corkscrew and bottle opener is a simple design.
The moustache is very much cartoon like in style and costs £13.24 from Not On The High Street.
8. Alessi Anna G corkscrew
The Alessi Anna G corkscrew is pretty discreet in design and is Alessandro Mendini’s tongue in cheek homage to a real woman. It is made from chrome plated zamak and polyamide with a blue body.
Heal’s sell the Alessi corkscrew for £29.50.
9. Metrokane vertical red rabbit bottle opener
This metrokane vertical red rabbit bottle opener has a die cast metal lever handle. It stands up on the wine bottle and operates vertically, pulling the cork in seconds.
Heal’s have the Metrokane rabbit opener for £70.
10. Anchor bottle opener
This anchor bottle opener is brass and nickel and 15.5cm long. It is a simple nautical bottle opener which comes gift boxed.
The stylish anchor bottle opener is available from Not On The High Street for £29.17.
Which is your favourite? Tell us in the comments below!
By Jackie Cosh