Home Gems was recently approached by Alpro to take part in a deskfest, their campaign to start your day in the best way and turn mundane breakfasts into healthy, creative deskfests.
Any pictures tweeted to the deskfest hashtag before 31 March will be included in a prize draw for a weekend for two in New York. You can see other entries at www.alpro.com/uk/deskfest.
I must admit to eating my breakfast at my desk most days. I am also a fan of Alpro, particularly their soya milk, so I was happy take part.
Most days I just have a small breakfast, either a banana smoothie or a bowl of porridge. Today for a change I had weetabix with Alpro Original soya milk, and a glass of Alpro hazelnut drink. While I wouldn’t sit down and drink a glass of soya milk it is surprisingly good in cereal.
Hazelnut drink contains calcium and vitamins B2, B12, D and E, and contains no animal fat. Although I am not a vegan the idea of consuming less animal fat does appeal to me.
Here is a picture of this morning’s breakfast. Verdict – delicious. Check back tomorrow for day two’s breakfast.
Jackie Cosh